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    CountryHumans вики

    Deleting an artist's art

    Hey, Feokista! I was asked by the artist BankPapper that she wants all her art to be taken off and not put on the CountryHumans Wikis anymore. I don't know if any of her art is on this Wiki. I'm letting you know. Commetian Empire (talk) 02:13, 30 сентября 2023 (MSK)

    Hi, Commetia! I think none of her art is on this wiki, but I will check it once again. Thank you for letting me know. — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 20:40, 30 сентября 2023 (MSK)

    Okay, no problem! Commetian Empire (talk) 01:53, 2 октября 2023 (MSK)

    Miraheze Trouble

    Hey, Feoktista! I was informed by KumihoWolffey that Miraheze has a chance of shutting down. She put out a Blog Post on the English Wiki about what might happen. I just want to make sure you know about this! Thanks, Commetian Empire (talk/Contact) 21:29, 13 июня 2023 (MSK)

    Hi, Commetia! Thank you so much for telling me! — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 20:08, 14 июня 2023 (MSK)

    No problem! Commetian Empire (talk/Contact) 22:21, 14 июня 2023 (MSK)

    You don't have to do this...

    Hey, like the title says, you don't have to do this, but it you would like, could you translate this video? The text is in the bottom left corner, right at the beginning. (Warning, if you do watch the whole video, there is blood!) Just wandering, since I know it is Russian, and you know Russian! Thanks, 《Commetian_Empire》 (обсуждение) 04:54, 6 марта 2023 (MSK)

    It says “do not continue viewing this tape”. I think they just translated the text in English which was in the center. --Феоктиста (обсуждение) 13:27, 6 марта 2023 (MSK)

    Oh, okay. Thanks! 《Commetian_Empire》 (обсуждение) 16:05, 6 марта 2023 (MSK)

    Page of the Month

    Hey, I have an idea for the page of the month. I think instead of editing the Main Page every time the Article of the Month is changed, we should make a template and when the new article comes, we just edit that. Just a thought! 《Commetian_Empire》 (обсуждение) 01:17, 28 февраля 2023 (MSK)

    The main reason why I did't made a template is because it's easier for me to change colors of all the stuff on the main page. But I think you are right, I have some ideas of how to make everything work out. Thanks, I'll try to realize your idea as soon as possible. --Феоктиста (обсуждение) 20:18, 1 марта 2023 (MSK)

    Oh, okay! It's just a thought. 《Commetian_Empire》 (обсуждение) 03:00, 3 марта 2023 (MSK)

    Ch OC Wiki, and Picture

    So, since Original Characters are not allowed in the cannon characters Wikis, could you add the link to the Custom CountryHumans Wiki here? The link: [1] (Also, I am running for Bureau, since no one is active, please vote for me!)
    About the picture, since I am 100% better at traditional art (pencil and paper), I just took a picture of my drawing. So if you would like to have the physical drawing, since it looks better in person, please tell me and I'll find a way to mail it to you! Thanks, 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 22:18, 29 января 2023 (MSK)

    Sure, I’ll add the link to the countryhumans wiki navbox that I’m working on right now. But don't you think it's very difficult to work on so many wikis at once? I hope you really have time a lot of time to work on all of them. And I think it’s kinda hard to mail something, especially now, so no need to worry about that. But thanks anyway! — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 07:52, 31 января 2023 (MSK)

    Oh, okay. Well, I might ask again once international stuff cools down. And yeah, it is kinda hard; but on certain days I do a Wiki, then the next,etc. 《!Commetian_Empire!》 (обсуждение) 22:13, 31 января 2023 (MSK)

    Thank you, Commetia, I like it so much! Very cute :D — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 16:58, 20 января 2023 (MSK)

    No problem! 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 17:05, 20 января 2023 (MSK)

    Quick Question

    So when you told me that you are looking only for Russian speaking and active users, why did you Admin Taxcymus? I'm just wondering, because they haven't made any edits yet. I also checked what they are doing on the other Wikis, and they haven't made any edits in a very long time. (I'm guessing that you talked about it on Discord or other social media platforms)

    I made Taxcymus an admin, because we plan to share a domain and they need admin permissions on this wiki to do so. Also Taxcymus is active on Polandball Wiki Hispana. — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 17:19, 30 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Oh okay《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 20:06, 30 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Do you think that we should take them off of the Admin section on the Sidebar? If they won't be editing. Since the only reason they are an Admin, is so that you could share a domain. Just wondering. 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 22:03, 2 января 2023 (MSK)

    Also, even though this has nothing to due with this, but what is your favorite CountryHumans character, and how do you draw them?《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 02:08, 3 января 2023 (MSK)

    Idk, I don't think that we should. They're still an admin, and it doesn't really matter if we take them off the sidebar or not. And about my favorite CH character... I think it's Austria-Hungary. I draw him just like many people do, wearing eye patches and white austrian emperor uniform. What about you? And by the way, why are you asking? — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 12:40, 4 января 2023 (MSK)

    Oh, I have no idea. I draw so many. I seem to like the more controversial characters. I also like Russia, NATO, Belarus, and Ukraine. And why I asked is because I have been going around (well, I just started) asking people so I could draw their favorite character for them. :) 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 15:01, 4 января 2023 (MSK)

    Two things in one:

    1. There is a little bit of a change in plans. I will be able to get on in the days I said I won't be, but I will not make many edits, and the ones I will be making will be bulk edits. (Due to spending a long time without an internet connection)

    2. One of my friends asked to be a "backup admin" on the polish wiki, (and you probably know them because they asked you to rename them.) And i think that this wiki should have a "backup admin" too. Since this wiki is a lot more popular/developed. I talked to them and they said they would be willing. (They also do not know Russian) Their UserPage: Участник: Slavic Commie I have not Admined them yet, because I want to know what you think about this. Happy Holidays, 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 06:07, 20 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Hm, I don't think that this wiki needs more admins, who don't speak Russian. From now on I'm looking only for Russian speaking admins. And what is the backup admin for? I will think more about that, but I am not sure if that's something necessary. — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 21:18, 21 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Ok, that's fine. They were just wondering. 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 08:26, 22 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Hey,sorry. I accidentally reverted your edit on Canada, I'm not used to using a phone. My computer isn't working, and so I have to use an phone. Sorry! 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 06:27, 9 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Ah, that's okay. Luckily I found a way to fix it, but please, be more careful next time. — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 17:44, 9 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Just wondering

    I was thinking earlier about becoming an Admin on here, because it looks like you are the only active Admin. But you are also the Bureaucrat. Even though Taxcymus is an Admin, but he/she (I don't know) hasn't done anything. I think that there should be an active Admin to help the active Bureaucrat, so that (you) don't have as much as you have now. I can also help with anything you need me to! I am planning to be more active on all the Wikis. Let me know when and what you have decided, and I hope to hear from you soon! 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 03:27, 6 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Sure! Since you don't speak Russian, maybe you could add some pictures to gallery (and credit artists), 'cause I don't really have time for that. What do you think about it?

    Also, the male! and fem! words is what we actually use in Russian, it's cannot be translated. I understand you probably didn't know that, so that's fine, but could you please not change text in infoboxes from male!/fem! to something else?

    - Феоктиста (обсуждение) 15:52, 7 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Thank You so much! And yeah, I'll work on pictures and make sure I don't translate them!《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 16:07, 7 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Uh, you dont't need to delete the name of the country too, it should look like male!/fem!<name of the country in Russian>. I am really sorry, I should have explained it more clearly! - Феоктиста (обсуждение) 18:35, 7 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Polish Wiki while I'm gone

    Hey, since looks like you are a lot more active on this wiki than any other wiki, I wanted to let you know that I will not be on at all though December 20-31. I will leave the Polish Wiki to you and Kumiho Wolffey. If you don't want to work on the wiki, that's fine. If you end up not editing or doing anything, then it just won't be edited for a while. (Not long enough to have it deleted) I will leave a message for Kumiho about this. If you have any questions, then just ask me! Thank you so much, 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 21:51, 4 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    Okay, I am fine with that, thanks for letting me know! --Феоктиста (обсуждение) 11:34, 5 декабря 2022 (MSK) Yep, no problem! 《Commetia》 (обсуждение) 01:11, 6 декабря 2022 (MSK)

    About Countryhumans Wiki ES

    Hi Feoktista.

    I am writing this to you because I think you are already informed that Miraheze is going to close in a few months. I have decided to move Countryhumans Wiki Spanish to a new platform that I am going to found, originally for Wiki Polandball Hispana, but I have decided to open it to include the other allied wikis, and since Countryhumans Russian Wiki is part of this alliance, I thought I would tell you. In Discord I gave more details on the subject. I know that there are alternatives like WikiTide, which for now, I have decided to leave as a last option, for now I will concentrate on establishing a new platform that will be maintained directly by me. If you want we can talk about it on Discord to give you more details.

    Taxcymus 02:16, 17 июня 2023 (MSK)

    File that possibly breaks the rules

    Hey Feoktista! I was informed by a person from the English Wiki about a file that might break the rules on here: the file Файл:Литва и Польша.jpg. It was uploaded by BeerFlower. It could possibly be counted as NSFW/ a ship. Just letting you know! Commetian Empire (talk) 04:09, 16 марта 2024 (MSK)

    Hello! I don't think that the file breaks the rules, I find nothing wrong with it. But thank you for letting me know! — Феоктиста (обсуждение) 14:45, 16 марта 2024 (MSK)

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